Whats the Deal?

by What's the Deal? Corp.

Food & Drink


Entirely free for users, Whats the Deal? helps foodies find real-time restaurant deals & specials near them quickly, saving time and money.Easily create a profile, set your preferences, browse, search and view deals and promotional offerings from your favourite local restaurants.Download Whats the Deal? today, you’ll forget why you ever paid full price for anything!Homefeed/For YouThis is where our community comes together. Randomized with more than deal listings, foodies can view exclusive Whats the Deal? content, read blog posts, enter contests, and even sign up for restaurant-hosted events.SearchThe heart of the What’s the Deal? Platform. Type a quick query into the search bar, add a couple of tags to narrow your search and get dealHunting!MapWhat’s near me? Visually find deals and restaurants closest to your location on a map.